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Are We There Yet?

huh? are we? are we there, yet? oh, look what i found! a nice silver pocket pretty! i better keep it , someone may have lost it....hey , mister what is that shiny badge for? and why do you have a gun? can i see it? ooops..that was loud...hey mister your foot is bleeding, now how did that happen? see, everything will be fine, i don't need no chaperone!!!
seriously, i am just about jumping out of my skin!!!! can't wait, can't wait, can't wait! i have a stopover in london..hope they don't leave me ther..if they do, i will still have quite an adventure trying to get to see you guys in france!!!!! i can just picture me coming off the plane to meet you guys and i am in between two big guys with stinkin shiny badges and they put silly handcuffs on me, don't worry, though it is all in fun!!!!

can't wait to see ya all..ew-la-la!

Re: Are We There Yet?

OH Suzie!

My little kinder friend, with as much excitement and energy as two full grown men! I swear I think I am about at excited as you are, and that's saying somethng!

We are going to have soooo much fun! Can't wait! Cain't wait! Can't wait!!!!!

Re: Are We There Yet?

Hey, if they leave you in London, there's a high speed train that goes from there to Paris. Might actually get there in about the same time as the plane would have. :) Faster, if they speed up to try to get the kender offloaded.

Re: Are We There Yet?


The sound guaranteed to drive Susie nuts...

Re: Re: Are We There Yet?

you are evil sir galachad! your short post did do exactly what you meant it to!!!!no fair i get in last!!! if ya get larry drunk..make sure he can at least do a thumbs up so we know he is okay!!! see ya soon....argghhhh..i can't take it..hurry time hurry..some one throw a clock so time will fly!!!!

Re: Re: Re: Are We There Yet?

See you soon, everybody!!!!

I went out and bought some long pants (I know, I'm a Florida girl), art supplies, new camera, European electricity converter for my laptop, travel alarm clock - all the necessities yesterday =)

Can't wait!!!!!!!!!


Re: Re: Re: Re: Are We There Yet?

Are you guys ready> I will be working up to the last I really haven't had much of a chance to even think about everything. But I know we will all have fun!!!
Only a couple more days.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Are We There Yet?

Ready as I'll ever be!

Very excited!

I'll probably be finishing paintings up until Matt takes me to the airport. Even though we'll obviously be doing a lot of art in France, this will still be a good "break" for some of us, I'm sure!

See you soon!


Re: Are We There Yet?

Aw man. You're all gonna have fun without me...

Re: Re: Are We There Yet?

i wish ya was going pierce!!! i'll make sure we do a toast in your honor!!!

Re: Are We There Yet?

Take lots of pictures!!!

So are any of you guys taking the class in the fall? It just won't be the same if you're not there...


Re: Are We There Yet?

I totally would if I had any vacation left. I think Matt's in that one with you though.

Re: Re: Are We There Yet?

I'm still debaiting the fall class. I will have to miss yet another week of school. Trying to stay ahead every quarter is really cutting into my art time. Plus the France trip is a major drain on the money. I really want to take the class though. So if I can at all swing it I will, just not sure it will be possible this year.