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France or Ireland in 2008 with Larry!

Hello Everyone,

I didn't get to go to KY this past weekend to see the artists because there were no more rooms available at the Inn! It's a 3-hr. drive from Nashville and that's too far to drive up and then back in one day. So, I'm writing everyone to ask their preference: Do you all want to go on an Artist's Tour with Larry in France or Ireland in 2008? I could organize both trips for 2008, but some of you may be budgeting for only one trip. No matter what, I'm planning Ireland for 2009.

Gonzague (the owner of Moulin Madame in Givry, Burgundy, France) wants us to come back to France in May 2008 if we can. He has a new gite available at Moulin Madame, a new piano, and some beautiful new decorating in the rooms. Plus, there are some other castles he'd like for us to see. Plus, I thought we could plan a side trip to Mont St. Michel and/or to Versaille and Monet's Garden. In addition, I thought it would be good to have 2 days in Paris instead of just one.

As for Ireland, I talked to Jim Hagan, the Irish folk musician who will serve as our guide. Larry, of course, will be the Art Teacher there as well as in France. The folk musician lived in Ireland for 4 years and played in Irish pubs all over Ireland. He knows of many mystical castles and places in addition to the Ring of Kerry. He also said there is an artist's colony there that has individual cabins for artists on the ocean and is free. We will definitely arrange to stay there a couple of days. Plus, when I was there last, there were many misty, forested places that conjure up visions of the Druids and King Arthur.

We are going to have a wonderful time in 2008. I can't wait to see all the artists again - and welcome any new people who would like to come. I'll be preparing brochures/flyers as soon as I know where we should plan on going.

So, this message is to take a poll and to ask people their preference - France or Ireland in 2008 or both?

Please let me know!

Lots of Love,
Donna Peerce
Moulin Madame North American Representative

Re: France or Ireland in 2008 with Larry!

Donna !!!!! I miss you !!!!! XOXOXOXOX

I couldn't make to the meeting aswell, the ticket from Quebec to KY were basically the same price I paid to get in France, I was like ... what the hell !?!! I'd do it for a whole week of class, but couldn't for only a week end, but I'm dying to see everyone again !!! I hope they all had a blast !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, I need to make both Ireland and France trip badly, but I don't think I could afford both in one year though! I WANT to go back to Moulin Madame again badly!!! If we go there again though, that'd be nice to have a little more time to sit and make more art, like being able to art very late at night without having to get up at 6h30 am for touring, with all the wine, the morning were pretty **** hard, LOL !!!!!!

The Ireland trip sounds like a pure dream too, gosh I don't know which one I'd prefer seriously!! I'm already going back to France for Christmas to spend 2 weeks with my fiancé's family, but I sure you be happy to go back to Burgundy again a couple of months after!! I just miss this place so much, it would be like "seeing the family again" !! And Ireland, oh man, I have no ideas! I know Jasmine and I will go to whatever place you decide anyway lol!

So I'm 50% for France, 50% Ireland, lol ! I'll just wait and see what the others has to say ! ^_^ Ireland scares me a little though because, there, THEY DON'T SPEAK FRENCH !!!!!!! WHaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!! Poor me LOL now YOU will have to help me with at the restaurants!!! lol !!!

And once again, I'll be happy to translate stuff if needed in France, including castles visits and such.

Love you tons and can't wait to see you again, hope you're doing well!!!! On my side I'm going wonder, things are just perfect and fantastic !! ^____^

Re: Re: France or Ireland in 2008 with Larry!

Hello where is it possible to get more info about these classes ? (price, drawing level, is it necessary to be a new Frazetta LOL)

Re: Re: Re: France or Ireland in 2008 with Larry!

Cedric -

Larry hasnt decided yet on the class schedule for next year yet. If you are on the mailing list, you'll get a notice when they announce it.

I wont go into price, since it may be subject to change. However, as for drawing level, you dont need to be the "next Frazetta". There really isnt a set level requirement to attend, just a passion and a willingness to learn. However, if you have a basic to good understanding of how oil paints work and some experience with them, that will make the curve less steep.

- Erik

Re: France or Ireland in 2008 with Larry!

The Europe classes are drawing classes. Too much traveling and looking around to be a painting class.

Re: Re: France or Ireland in 2008 with Larry!

Thanks guys, I'll subscribe to the ML then.
I am already in France, by chance :-)

Well I am only discovering oil painting as you can see on the thread I opened. Drawing : well I can do some stuff but I need some visual support (other drawings or photos to drive my pen).

Re: Re: Re: France or Ireland in 2008 with Larry!

Hi Cedric and Others,

The Art Classes with Larry in France and Ireland will be mostly drawing classes, but everyone is welcome to bring oils, watercolors, acrylics, etc. On our next trip to France, we plan to allow more time for the actual art work and not as much travel although there will be some travel involved. You can check out my website at to see how the trip in 2007 was. I'll be posting notices here regularly to advertise the trips, so you'll have plenty of advance notice. I'll be talking to Larry this week or next about his preferences.

And it's cool that you're already in France.

Lots of Love to Everyone,
Donna Peerce
Moulin Madame North American Representative
and Larry Elmore Artist's Tour Coordinator

Re: Re: Re: Re: France or Ireland in 2008 with Larry!

Hmmm Drawing classes sounds even better to me, thanks for the info.
I'll check the website.

Re: France or Ireland in 2008 with Larry!

selfishly, i would like france to be in 2008 and ireland to be in 2009...then the actual drawing thing would be set up and really, i don't think finances would allow me to go to europe at all in 2008 and i would love to be amongst the first adventurers to go to ireland! i said it was selfish...but i will do whatever possible to get to ireland...i loved, absolutely, possitively our france trip..everything about it..but wnat to explore the different areas of europe...the year would give me time to get out of debt, so i could jump right back in! tee-hee.....anywhere with this group would be awesome..god, i am getting all misty eyed just thinking about our france experience, whew what a trip!!!! thanx donna, you are awesome! miss you ALL!

Re: France or Ireland in 2008 with Larry!

My vote is Ireland, 2008!

Of course, I'll probably go either way ;P But having done France last year, I think Ireland would be fun this coming year. And maybe France again after that =)


Re: Re: France or Ireland in 2008 with Larry!

I too think Ireland for 2008. Just because It is somewhere I have always wanted to go and have yet to visit. Like Jasmine, I will probably go either way though. Our last France trip was awesome and repeating it back to back wouldn't bother me one bit.

Re: Re: Re: France or Ireland in 2008 with Larry!

If the decision is Ireland in '08 I have to go. It's that simple. You know me, I'd never be able to live down passing such a trip up.

It sounds like you guys had a blast in France, and I would love to go there too, but I also have to schedule this around my crazy work load.

Simply, I vote Erin (Ireland) in '08.

If not, I''ll see you all there in '09.

Re: France or Ireland in 2008 with Larry!

Okay here is my delima... I would love to go to Ireland in 2008, but I am going to art college and they are very strict on missing any classes. hahaha I guess they get to many lazy artist in there and have to keep them on there toes. It would be very difficult for me to go anywhere next year. Unless it's scheduled to go durning spring break or something like that! Then I am all for it!

So I am voting for France in 2008, since I've been to that one, even though I would hate to miss out, and Ireland for 2009 when I know I could go for sure! I really don't want to miss either class, but if I had to chose one to miss it would be france again.

If some how it can be arranged to take place durning a break in classes, I would gladly do both!

Please keep me posted and updated! I can't wait to do another trip! France was absoultely amazing!

Re: Re: France or Ireland in 2008 with Larry!

Hi Tammy and Others,

I think we'll probably go to France in 2008 because some people have expressed budget constraints. The trip to Ireland will be more costly than the trip to France. Gonzague keeps prices quite low for the art students. And, it's going to take a lot of planning for the Ireland trip, which will probably be in September or October 2009.

Tammy, when is your spring break? I could definitely plan a trip to France around that.

Much Love,

Re: Re: Re: France or Ireland in 2008 with Larry!

Hi again !!!

I'll make both trips anyway, so it's all good with me lol ! =D

Though, do you know if the prices for France will be lower than what we paid last Spring or it will stay the same? ( just gotta make sure to save enough )

Oh and Versaille and Mont St-Michel, and spend 2 days at Paris sounds fantastic!!!!!! Atleast now I know what kind of clothes to bring and what weather to expect, lol !!!!

Love you tons!

Re: Re: Re: Re: France or Ireland in 2008 with Larry!

Hi Delphine and Others,

Miss you tons too! Think of you all the time. Prices for the 2008 trip to France will be similar to last year's prices - maybe a little higher. And, I will let everyone know ASAP when plans are finalized. All in all, it's a VERY CHEAP trip to Europe compared with many other travel groups.

Lots of Love,

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: France or Ireland in 2008 with Larry!

Oh that's all fine!! The trip worth every cents we've spent and so much more actually! I would have NEVER expected such fantastic services and hospitality!!! And the fooooood ohhhh the foooooood!!! Gonzague is a SuperHero, I had no ideas that we'd have someone to do all this for us, and same goes for all the amazing staff there and YOU! I miss everybody and I can't wait to play some piano there hehehe!!!!

Love you tons!! Can't wait to see you again!!!

Re: Re: Re: France or Ireland in 2008 with Larry!

If France is chosen over Ireland, be sure to keep me posted on it. I still want to go, I'll just have to put in for it way in advance at work.

Re: Re: Re: France or Ireland in 2008 with Larry!


I'm not sure when spring break will be. I will check tomorrow and get back with you ASAP on that.

Re: Re: France or Ireland in 2008 with Larry!

I also vote for Ireland in 2009 to allow a year for the finances to build up.