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--**No one likes a complainer**--

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What reminds you of God?

This is an ongoing topic. From day to day throughout your days at work, school, home etc. what things or occurrences remind you of God or that there is a God. His blessings, His love etc.

Re: What reminds you of God?

The air I breath day-in and day-out. The trees the birds and life in its self.

Re: What reminds you of God?

the stars in the skies. And tree's of the earth.

Re: What reminds you of God?

Mine is that I wake up each day. And that we have moments of peace in my home.

Re: What reminds you of God?

When I see my prayers being answered right before my eyes as I'm praying.

Re: What reminds you of God?

nature, the stars, and the moon

Re: What reminds you of God?

The stars, sunrises, and sunsets... Being able to live in a supposive "bad" neighborhood and have perfect protection, and answers to prayer.

Re: What reminds you of God?

Speaking of bad neighborhoods.. there were 4 shootings in one week on our block at work.. it would have been 5 but 'we' fired those last four shots.. Just to feel like we belonged!! Since we didnt get shot.. that reminds me that God protects!

Re: What reminds you of God?

kindness and love

Re: What reminds you of God?

Wakin up in the summer and hearin the lawnmowers and wantin to throw something at them. And wakin up under a house of jumpin and yellin kid and wantin to string them up somewhere.

Re: What reminds you of God?

Answered prayers,love,forgiveness,Eternal life

Re: What reminds you of God?

the love people show one another,whether it is a kind word, a kind action, letting people know we care about what they are struggling with, an action to make us laugh, just listening when someone needs to vent and letting people know itis 0k to be themselves when everyone else says it is wrong to act in a certain way,and last of all always bringing GOD into situation even if it is the last thing we want to hear
when i see any of the above actions, i cant help but think that that it is just a little bit of GODs LOVE showing through

Romans 10:9

©2004 Vision Fellowship Ministries