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--**No one likes a complainer**--

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target can go __________ (fill in the blank)

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Target Continues Ban on Salvation Army, Adds Sex Toy Products

Dear whoever,,

Target Corporation will continue to ban the Salvation Army from their 1,351 stores this Christmas season. The Army will not be allowed to place their red kettles in front of Target stores.

Despite increased need caused by the hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Target continues to bar the Salvation Army.

Many observers feel that the ban by Target is a result of pressure put on the company by homosexual groups. Homosexual activists have targeted the Salvation Army for years because of the Army's refusal to recognize their lifestyle. Target is a supporter of various homosexual causes.

While Target contributes to homosexual groups, the company publicly states that they will not contribute to any religious groups. For Target, homosexual organizations are worthy of financial support, Christian and Jewish organizations are not.

Further showing Target's true colors, WTOP Radio Network in Washington, DC, reports that Target is one of the national chains that will be carrying a new line of women's products that includes a vibrator.

Elexa by Trojan spokeswoman Cassandra Johnson says the products will be discreetly packaged and sold in the feminine care aisle.

"Formerly the domain of sex shops, such products have been brought out of the shadows by popular television shows like 'Sex and the City,'" WTOP reported.

While Target continues to ban the Salvation Army, competitors such as Wal-Mart are increasing their donations to the Salvation Army. Wal-Mart and others continue to welcome the Army's kettles.

Please send an email asking Target to end their ban of the Salvation Army and their offering of a sex toy line of products. In addition, you can email Wal-Mart, thanking them for supporting the Salvation Army.

Send Your Email To Target and Wal-Mart Now!
Please help us spread this important information about Target by forwarding this to your friends and family.



Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association

P.S. Please forward this e-mail message to your family and friends!

Re: target can go __________ (fill in the blank)

to Jamaica?? I stopped shopping there when they banned them last winter.

Re: target can go __________ (fill in the blank)

Anywhere they want!! Never shopped there, never will.

Re: target can go __________ (fill in the blank)


Romans 10:9

©2004 Vision Fellowship Ministries