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Classmates and art friends. I am putting together an art contest for 8 to 14 year olds. This contest is to help inspire children to draw and paint. With the cutting back of funds in the school systems the first class to crush is the art class. This has many children like my nieces very upset. To help promote creativity I have joined forces with well known artist and the author of "Kandide the Secrect of the Mist." The winner of this contest will get his or her art published in her next book and on her web page. All artist that are involved in helping out with this effort will also get their art published. (Opportunity knocking.)

For all of those who want to help, email me and I will bring you up with all the details as they progress. We would like to start the contest sometime next year before the book comes out in late April or May.

I think everyone who loves faeries should read this book it has a great message and it is a fast read. I loved it. If you pick up the hard copy you can enjoy some beautiful artwork done by Maxine Gadd. Here is the link.

Looking forward to hearing from you all.

Re: Opportunity.

J9!!! OMG I was JUST thinking about you!!!! how weird is that!!! (hugs) miss you darling!!!

Re: Re: Opportunity.

I miss you too.........hey do you want to help me out with this contest?[:)s