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Spider-Man 2 vs. I, Robot

I thought I, Robot was better than Spider-Man 2.
I think too much of the crucial parts of the story
in Spider-Man 2 was revealed in the trailors. I was
not suprised my anything in Spider-Man 2. I was however
suprised by a few things in I, Robot. The corny
attempts at jokes or practical humor in Spider-Man 2
were not funny and therefore unwelcome. Although I feel
humor cheapens an action movie I felt that the witty
humor of Smith's character in I, Robot were a small but
pleasant addition to the movie. I was not convinced at
any point in Spider-Man 2 that Dr. Octopuss was completely
evil. I never really felt that he was Spider-Man's enemy.
I thought the action in I, Robot also surpassed the
action in Spider-Man 2 quite a bit.