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MN Billiards Discussion Board
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Re: Lies, Deceptions and Coverups?

No deception on my part either. Any players of M8 that have any questions can call me "Joel" at any time
(612) 729-6636. The rest that would just like to speculate on meaningless threads with hidden names and agendas feel free to add your 2 cents here. As for me, I have never steered any of my members wrong for any reason.
Funny how you have also tried to discredit some other real genuine players. Billy B has been a outstanding pool member of many leagues for more years than I have been around. G Vasquez great down to earth player that has moved up to National certified ref. Rich I HAVE MY CAPS ON R. is a pool manager at a small bar. What do these people have in common Johnny 9 ball? They are 3 of the most credible people I know, and they all support more than 1 league. These people have no alterior motives.
Players that know me, also know I'm here for the sole purpose of supporting the players in the Twin Cities area.

Re: Re: Lies, Deceptions and Coverups?

You make me sound real old like Denny old!

Re: Lies, Deceptions and Coverups?

Didn't this post start as M8 not bein MOMA sanctioned.
yes it is, no its not, yes it is. I think its gone a little off kilt. I don't think the players care about diamond tables who sells them, what the possible reasons are that your kicked out etc...
I don't even play M8 and don't personally care if m8 is moma sanctioned. Just answer the question and be done with it. I too know people on the moma board and have heard about the vote, and that there is another one comin up.
Its always good to see players defend the league they play in. And I have respect for the guys that posted.
Lets move on, talk about somethin else. When the second vote comes thru we'll know if M8 is Moma or not.

Re: Re: Lies, Deceptions and Coverups?

M8 is not MOMA Sanctioned!

Re: Re: Re: Lies, Deceptions and Coverups?

Then again there is no such thing as MOMA sanctioning!

That said - the vendors voted at a meeting not to accept entries for the MOMA tournament form M-8 only players! There will be a larger meeting with most vendors in attendance and they will discuss the first vote and the reasoning behind it and probably take another vote! Who knows which way it will go. But my money is on MOMA allowing M-8 players to enter the state tournament.