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Looking for Dave Craig,

Dave I got the following message will you please contact Edrie? Thanks, Frank

> Would it be possible for you to tell me the name of Charles "Buck" Mc Governs

> mother??? I believe she is my Great Grandmother. I have searched your site

> but cannot find her name.


> It is my understanding that her name was Alice Gannon (sp) who at some time

> was

> also married to ( and from what I can read) "Thor" Hyde. I have been told

> that Buck is the half brother of my my Grandfather, John Hyde who was married

> to Sadie Cleaver. Would like to know if this is correct.


> I was also told that Buck (Charles) had a son named Roger, who owned a cab

> company, possibly named "Peoples Cab" and my Father Charles Hyde worked for

> him until there was some kind of disagreement. Mary Hyde, my Aunt, babysat

> for his son, Roger.


> Edrie Ferguson (Hyde)
