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Clan McGovern Web Forum
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It has been a long time since Frank McGovern started the Clan McGovern Network. Thank you Frank for your hard work and commitment.

My name is Karen Marie McGovern, from Boston, Massachusetts.

My father is Paddy Owen (Hun)McGovern from Glan Gevlin,County Cavan, Ireland.

Hello to all.

Re: Introducing

Hello Karen,
I hope you get this. I was in Glan last year and I am going again this August. My mother was born there, Kathhleen McLoughlin. I have McGovern cousins in New York who I lost track of a long time ago. Did your father ever work in New York. I remember an Owen McGovern. Well give us a shout. Have you been to Glan? It is a magical place. Hope to hear from you.
Gerard O'Neill
Toronto, Canada