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Re: Re: Re: Re: to my drawing buddies

GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!!!! not you guys just ken in chaps.....tabby you are going like wildfire...i am so glad i can see larry lit your fire! i am so happy for ya tabby and like the dorothy said to the scarecrow in the wizard of oz.... i think i miss you most of all! susie

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: to my drawing buddies

I wish I had a pole.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: to my drawing buddies

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! KEN , YOU ARE JUST TOO MUCH!! how come i can have a graphic mind for things i don't want to draw!!!! thanx for everything ELSE you did for us on our adventure..great inn great print on demand trip (without drugs) ever ...or were ther drugs? hmmmmmmmm

Re: to my drawing buddies

Hey ya'll! Boy I really miss everyone too! I've been busy trying to get organized here in my studio as well. Have purchased and new scanner. Rummor has it, it's the same one that Larry is thinking of getting. So I must have done okay in picking one out. *waits impatiently for the ups man to come*

Monday I will see about getting the Adobe suit as well. *thinks she'll get Kelly to learn it all then teach her how to use it*

Right now I'm working on getting a new e-mail address and some temporary business cards made up. I'll let you all know when I get the new mail set up so you'll have my current Info.

As for drawing...I've had this portrait that I've had half way done and had to start over on it. It's not one I wanted to do in the first place so it's been hunting me now for three weeks! Started back into it Friday night. Wow amazing how you can get a little rusty after having been away from it for a week or so. I think I've forgotten wich pencils I used for which areas!

I will hopefully get the picutes I had downloaded on the laptop burned to cd's for everyone soon!

I love hearing what everyone's been doing and miss you all a lot. Every one keep in touch!

Re: Re: to my drawing buddies

:) I miss you too susie!!! I finished your picture last night, I'll scan it in on Tuesday when I get to work. Soon hopefully I'll be able to afford a new computer, scanner etc but until then I will use the good scanner at work hehehe:)
for those of you who are interested I got my business cards, double sided color! at the price was reasonable as well. maybe that will help a few of you. I envy those of you who were able to get photosuite! Im so jealous! hehe. I'll have to find a copy somewhere *cough cough*.
As for gaming I'd love to game with you too some time kelly! I am thinking of reopening my gemstone account and playing online there. its alot of fun!
anyhow! I am off, miss you all!!!

Re: Re: Re: to my drawing buddies

oh yeah! Also for those of you who want to build your website! will host your site and give you the domain name of your choice. I have 2 accounts with them and have been very happy with them, plus they are inexpensive!(tries to rememeber any other links to give you guys)

Re: to my drawing buddies

I sure have been drawing, but it did take a while to unpack and get settled back in. And I was just about to start in on some art when I got another quick assignment for the Wanderers Guild. We're putting out a huge book soon; make sure to look for "Explorers of All." (plug, plug)

You all are such talented artists and we could always use more... visit if you want to join the twisted fun. =)

And, I miss everyone and it was so hard to get back to "real life." =P