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vitas visit

hi gang! vitas is coming to visit my humble abode tomorrow friday....his folks live in, heh? i will have to get all my helmuts, ren hats and costumes out...what am i saying that is our decor!! i am excited we will have fun....oh, by the way all you guys are invited too! 6:30for pizza and wings........that would be so cool if you guys really showed up teehee

miss ya all!

Re: vitas visit

Awww why do you have to live so far away?! No fair!
But I do hope you guys have lots of fun hehehe, dont forget to take pictures if there is more craziness involved and tell Vitas-mon that I said Hi! :)

Re: Re: vitas visit

vitas arrived!!! and boy what a time we had!!!! we did miss ya thougth tab!!!(p.s. something is wrong with your website...i couldn't get there) took pictures and he drove my mini (alas no0t as fast as larry's blue monster) sorry you couldn't all make it!

Re: Re: Re: vitas visit

It was fun visiting you, Suzie!

It was sensory-overload at the house, everywhere I looked... if I looked again, I'd find something new!

Would've been fun to see you, too, Tab.

Vitas Povilaitis