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Sorry I haven't been around much

I apoligize for not being here more often...I have been working non-stop since November. And man am I tired....I am now almost caught up...well, close, I have around three things that is a must, and very late...but a lot more pressure is off now. I would like to make it a habit to stay up on all the things going on. It seems I get in a rut and time flies by. I want to thank all the nice people that have been answering a lot of the questions for me..I think they know more about things than I do. Yeah, I have a myspace page...gaaaaaaa, another thing to try to visit every once in a while. Right now Greg is handling most of it. I am thinking about showing every one how I do a painting...I can post pics daily and watch the progress...what to you guys think about that? It may be fun...watching paint dry???
I will try my best to hang out here more often. I only wish that art wasn't such a time consuming occupation!!!!!
Thanks everyone for being so nice.

Re: Sorry I haven't been around much


Re: Sorry I haven't been around much

I'd love to see a step by step demonstration. Or even better, some videos.

Reveal your secrets to us mortals!!!

Re: Re: Sorry I haven't been around much

Hey Larry,

I would love to see step by step progress of your paints and draws. A lot can be learn by just viewing them, plus it is a great motivator for the rest of us to work on projects of our own.

Re: Sorry I haven't been around much

hey stranger! i thought you might have been on the road again posing as kenny (sorry tee-hee) its nice to hear come your writing doesn't have a southern accent? an online demo would be cool! i myself have spent hours watching paint dry (me, a kender..hours watching paint...okay it SEEMED like hours) really it is a cool idea...and if art weren't so time consuming you would just do more of it , you silly! i am so dizzy my head is spiining ,,like a whirlpool it never ends....(tha's what the smiley guy is singing) hey...on your demonstration don't forget the importance of raw umber!!!!!! and if ya want i will let you use some of my kender colors!!!!

Re: Re: Sorry I haven't been around much

Hi Larry ,

Nice to see ya around. You must be a heck of a busy guy.

Unlike some people , I haven`t had the pleasure of actually meeting you , but I was having a nosey over at today and there`s a small interview of you on it , from one of the cons it looks like. I just thought i`d type in your name.

Forgive me for saying it , but you have a really great accent. You sound a bit like Tommy Lee Jones.

That`s a compliment by the way

Hope you and the rest of the gang are having a good year so far. And don`t work so hard..........


Re: Sorry I haven't been around much

I would love to see your process Larry!

I'd just like to say you've been a huge influence in my life and art. I love your website.

I saw in the "old news" section that you did a class in 2004 any chance of you doing that agian?


Re: Sorry I haven't been around much

I would love to see a step by step. I am always asking myself as I paint, " I wonder what step Larry would be doing next?" Not only will it be inspiring, it will make me smile remembering all our great times in previous classes.

Re: Re: Sorry I haven't been around much

so what you are saying..jeannine (where have you been?..lurking? tee-hee) is that we need

WWLD bracelets?

i so silly...

Re: Sorry I haven't been around much

Great idea Larry, I look forward to it!

Re: Sorry I haven't been around much

I've gotten several DVDs from Gnomon just to watch artists work, and have paid well over a grand for them. Most of it's digital, but there are a couple from Sid Mead.

I've always wished some of my favorite artists would put something like that out. (DVD, video capture, time laps). Find it facinating, and educational, and entertaining to boot.

Re: Sorry I haven't been around much

I cannot express how happy I would be to be able to see or watch step by step how it's all done. A Dvd would be so wonderful, because then I could watch it again and again to catch what I may have missed and to really learn from it.

Re: Sorry I haven't been around much

Hi Larry , You do look like Kenny Rogers. Is that you I have seen around Madisonville once in a while?
Next time I will wave instead of saying "whats Kenny Rogers doing in Madisonville? "
I would really love to see you work, While I draw and everything else I have trouble with painting. I learned to paint with oils then tried to switch to acyrilics and went pht. Been working with an air brush and that is a story best left untold. Its just sad. ttyl and so happy to have met you in cyberspace. Karenetta

Re: Sorry I haven't been around much

I would love to see a series of photos on how you do a painting. I currently have 2 of your books on my Wishlist at, do they have any tutorials in there? MySpace page? Larry Elmore!? Awesome. I'll be sending a friend request soon.
