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Painting based on Larry's sketch, whaddayathink ?

Hello everybody,

My name is Cedric. I am 35 and live in France near Paris. I just started my first oil painting. I am curious to have your advice? I will post regular pics here so that people can follow the progress of it. I'd be pleased if some experienced painters give me tricks and tips.
It is my third painting ever (I painted 2 fantasy acrylics 15 years ago or so).
As one can see I used Larry's sketch in is "Reflections of Myth sketchbook". I first drew the sketch directly on the canvas (no use of tracing / transfer paper, I did not know the technique by then). Then the unfinished sketch slept in a closet for many years (I never dared to paint it). And then... I decided to start it...
I am using Winsor and Newton oil paint.
Here are the 3 first steps of the painting I made today ((took me 2-3 hours). elmore model.JPG prelim sketch.JPG sky.JPG rock.JPG forest and clouds.JPG

Re: Painting based on Larry's sketch, whaddayathink ?

Well, 27 readings and not a comment. Is it that bad ?

Nevermind :-)

Re: Re: Painting based on Larry's sketch, whaddayathink ?

Hi/Bonjour Cedric! ^_^

LOL don't worry, there's a lot of people who's just watching this forum, but never comments ^_- I just got to take a look at your work in progress painting and I think it looks really really good!! I know absolutely NOTHING about oil paints though so I can't help you at all on that, I work with acrylics only... but I intend to learn the secrets of oils with Larry whenever I can go to a paint class!

Went to the France class in May, and it was a drawing class, no paints this time so I have yet to see the master himself working with oils

Keep up the beautiful work and I can't wait to see the next scan/photo of it! ^_^

Nice to meet you!

( by the way, I'm from Québec, Canada and French is my first language, but I'm typing this to you in English as I don't know if you also speak French or not lol, cependant un Cedrik qui habite la France, j'imagine que tu dois parler Francais egalement non? )

Re: Re: Re: Painting based on Larry's sketch, whaddayathink ?

Hi Delphine, pleased to meet you
Salut Delphine, enchanté :-)

évidemment je suis français mais j'ai posté en anglais pour que tout le monde comprenne ;-)
(I posted in english so that everybody understands).

You are lucky to have attended a Larry Elmore drawing class. I am a fan of his art (with Jeff Easley and Keith Parkinson).
WIll check your site.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Painting based on Larry's sketch, whaddayathink ?

Re-bonjour !! ^_^

Oh chouette alors! Alors si jamais tu viens a la classe de Larry en France, ca ne te fera pas tres loin a voyager ((( et du coup, je ne serai pas la seule a traduire les menus dans les restaurants pour le reste du groupe comme la derniere fois, LOL ! Quoique c'est plutot marrant, tout ce que Larry voulait c'etait du boeuf!!! lol )))

Ok I'll be polite and continue in English so the rest can read too lol ^_-

Very nice to meet you indeed! Do you have a website too? And yes, Larry's classes are fantastic!!!! Larry was one of my all time art idol, and when I met him it was like .... like I was meeting god in front of me, LOL! Then you realize that he's the funniest buddy ever, like you've known him for ages, then after a couple glasses of wine you'll be dancing with him, mwahahah !!!

Keith was one of the greatest artist of all time, I got eyes-teary when I listened Larry telling us stories about him and the rest of the TSR guys...

Well, talk to you later ! And have fun on my website! You can see some pictures of the France trip on my "Fun Stuff" photo gallery ! ^___^

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Painting based on Larry's sketch, whaddayathink ?

Sorry, I have been very busy and haven't been able to post any comments yet. I have checked out your pictures though. It is hard to give critiques on a work in progress as I'm not sure what your ideas are and where you are going with the piece. I will be able to critique better as you get farther along. Even then I feel my comments may mislead you as I myself am just learning oils. With that being said I will do my best to help you if I can. Keep at it and never give up. I look forward to see more soon.

Re: Painting based on Larry's sketch, whaddayathink ?


Thanks for your comments.
Well, yeah, Kelly you're right, let's see where I go with it... Actually I don't know yet for sure... My main concern now is to put some more clouds on the blue sky but I have no idea yet how to do it about the composition... Have to think about it.
I don't know if I'll be able to afford Larry's classes, even if I'm convinced it's worth it ! TSR artists are my models too. I am the lucky owner of a few originals by the way (3 drawings from Larry, one from Jeff, 1 painting from Keith and 1 soon from Jeff). So interesting to see originals and try to guess how they did it.
Yes I have a website (even 2) but they are not about art. It's about daytrading ( There's a pic of me over there by the way :-)


Here is an update. Been painting the forest and pines. Had to stop the pines because have to wait for the background to dry or it smudges. I am not satisfied with the rock on the foreground. I am using Parkinson /Elmore models but it is tough. Have to think about a way to make something good. woods and pines.JPG

Re: Update

Hey Cedric!

I agree with Kelly, it's tough to critique this early. I do have a couple small suggestions. You have a nice "blotchy" texture on the rock, but all the blotches are the same size, which makes it look pretty smooth. Maybe if you made some blotches bigger than others?

Also, I'd suggest adding more color to the clouds. After painting all those clouds in Larry's class and never using pure white, I'm a convert to the colored-cloud theory. ;)

You're doing well so far!


Re: Re: Update

Hello Meg,

Thanks for the suggestions. I definitely have to do something to the rocks. I'll work on it. About the clouds I don't know yet,I guess I could add coolors as you say but I won't dare doing colorful clouds so far (at least not on that painting. I love Elmoreclouds though (especially the ones used in the Dragonlance saga showing raistlin, caramon and crsysania).
This is my first painting so I don't want taking too much risks.

Re: Painting based on Larry's sketch, whaddayathink ?

Well, I worked on the rocks, pines and tried to had some color to the clouds. Well not a big difference but it looks somewhat better in real.

I can't wait starting painting the girl :-) rocks pines and clouds.JPG

Re: Painting based on Larry's sketch, whaddayathink ?

Step 7 :

Ok, I guess some of you will recognize some familiar place for the main rock ;-)

Beginning the girl... Serious things begin !

Re: Painting based on Larry's sketch, whaddayathink ?

Image failed :

Re: Painting based on Larry's sketch, whaddayathink ?


Boots are almost done. This week-end I will do the girl (well as much as I can, if kids leave me some time)...

Re: Painting based on Larry's sketch, whaddayathink ?

Ok, I finally started my blog :

enjoy !

Re: Painting based on Larry's sketch, whaddayathink ?


Just wanted to let you know I finished the painting. Feel free to give your advice and criticism, I wish to progress.


Re: Painting based on Larry's sketch, whaddayathink ?

Hello Cedric!
I have been looking your finished painting on your blog, and onestly, i think it is relly relly good. How many hours did it took for you to finish?
Im waiting to see more paintings.
Hugs, Marco.

Re: Painting based on Larry's sketch, whaddayathink ?

Hello Marco,

Thanks for your message. Yes, indeed, I wish to continue painting. As I am quite satisfied with the result of the first one, I feel more confident to go on. The next work will be a Michael Douglas portrait from Wall Street movie (in order to work on light effects) and the next one will be a more fantasy one (inspiration of Frazetta / Vallejo works).

Re: Painting based on Larry's sketch, whaddayathink ?

Oh, and I think it took me about 10-15hrs

Re: Painting based on Larry's sketch, whaddayathink ?

Cedric, do you have MSN?

Re: Painting based on Larry's sketch, whaddayathink ?


Re: Re: Painting based on Larry's sketch, whaddayathink ?
