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Welcome to the Hex Forums

Hi Reader,
This is where all the messages will be presented relating to the show. All new rumours about the show and stars will be said here. Feel free to post about anything you like but please kepp it in the appropiate areas. This would be appreciated.

Re: Welcome to the Hex Forums

What did everybody think of episode 2?

Re: Re: Welcome to the Hex Forums

Episode 2 isnt on till tommorrow I think (unless I missed something). First ep wasnt bad, killing off one of the main characters was interesting but if they kept it as a theme for any future series a Randall and Hopkirk feeling would occur and they would need to be more original then that. Keeping her dead would feel gimmicky. But having it as a short term representation that the show has no limits really opens it up though, it leaves it with so much scope for the future.

Re: Re: Re: Welcome to the Hex Forums

I loved both episodes. I think that they're could be more action though. I liked Azazeal closing in on her. But I think he needs to be in it and say more. And at the end, where Cassie and Troy are playing pool, Azazeal takes a drink. My sister commented that he looked jealous. Do you think so? And what of?

I hope they carry it on. Apparently it's only three 90 minute films, which Sky's put into one hour episodes. So it'll be about 5 or six episodes long!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Welcome to the Hex Forums

Hi and thanks for posting. Yeh the Azazeal and Cassie possible relationship is going to be a major story line of the future episodes, however I get the feeling that Cassie wants nothing to do with him. And I think there will only be five episodes of the series, however with a strng possibiltity of future series. You can pre-order the dvd alredy you know, just check out the merchandise section of the site.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Welcome to the Hex Forums

no problem! :D. Can I ask something else. It may just be me not understanding, but do we actually know what Azazeal wants from her?

Cause I'm really confused about it!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Welcome to the Hex Forums

I dont think we do yet to be honest...Im gonna have a further look into it, but I think its been kept from us on purpose.

Reviews aren't great ...

Thought everyone might like to have a look through this review from the Guardian (Hex mention is about halfway thru the article):,12889,1226185,00.html

I'm still watching the show after a couple of episodes, but I can see where he's coming from. It has been a little ... SLOW ... don't you think?

Re: Reviews aren't great ...

Thanks for that. Will take a look. Probably guess what its going to say though

Re: Reviews aren't great ...

No the reviews arn't great but I'm still watching it's got something to keep me hooked. I think it could be as good if not better than Buffy!!!1

Re: Re: Reviews aren't great ...

spot on

Re: Welcome to the Hex Forums