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Gmail Giveaway

Hi and welcome to the first giveaway for,
The first to post the correct set of answers to the following questions will win a fine 1Gb email account with Gmail. These are very limited at the moment and are available through a private invitation!

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QUESTION #1.-what is the ending music for episode 1?
QUESTION #2.-what is thelmas second name?
QUESTION #3.-How many people were supposed to tune into the first episode?
QUESTION #4.-What is sacrificed at the start of the first episode?
QUESTION #5.-Name the Media teacher?

First to get all correct answers will be given prize, no second prize.


Re: Gmail Giveaway

nobodys got it people. Ill give it another the way the answers could all be found on ther net. Episode 3 quiz will be online at 8pm tonight