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Re: fanfiction: Cassie

hey, cool start! Have you written fanfics on other sites? cos I reckognise your name. Anyway, you planning to write more of this? Hope you are!

Re: fanfiction: Cassie

hey thanks I'm quite surpised that you've heard of me lol, Yeah I write everything:

Lost and Delirious
Bad Girls
Buffy the vampire slayer
The Bill
Holby City
and a few others.

I'll be posting the next bit fast as I can.

Re: Re: fanfiction: Cassie

yeah, i reckon I saw your name when a mate of mine got into writing rubbish on one of the BBC forums. EE board or summin! Anyways, write more soon!

Re: fanfiction: Cassie

Roxanne was sitting in class. There was something about Cassie that she couldn't understand. It was a spark of wonder and admiration, losing her best friend would be hell for anyone but Cassie didn't hang out with anyone else apart from Thelma, which made it extra hard. She'd seen Cassie as the body was pulled out of the lake, the distress and soul breaking hurt that was poured out of that one girl in a mere five seconds. She knew what it was like. When Roxanne lost her older sister, she'd lost a part of herselve, but was perplexed when they were both reunited with one another.


Cassie was sitting on the wall overlooking another of Troy's football matchs. He was rather good, not Beckham mind you, but still better than the other boys. She didn't know much about football or other sports for that matter, but was happy to watch. Cassie was enjoying a packet of crisps when she froze with fear. She saw a man in black trousers beside Thelma, his hair black, and his shirt white. They were over by the lake. His arm was wrapped around Thelma. He had a tall, manly build much like...Azazeal? Cassie jumped from her sitting position and ran, she saw him pull something from his pocket. It looked like a knife. Tears running down her face, Cassie ran harder and faster. All she could see was their backs, the man's hand that weilded the knife disappeared infront of him. When she reached the pair, her voice shook with anger and her tone was threating.

"Get away from her......"

Thelma turned around and smiled at Cassie. How could she smile when she was in danger, thought Cassie. The man turned around to reveal a stranger. It wasn't Azazeal. She was so sure, he was his height, hair colour, even dress. Cassie stepped back, startled by him and confused by the situation.

"Hey Cassie, meet Oswold, he's like......the ruler of the Ghosts or somthing"

"I'm very sorry, I thought you were someone else"

Cassie could feel the same presense that Azazeal had, and the power that he had over her. Thelma looked between the two, then went back to eating a Mars bar she had in her hand.

"Thelma was telling me about her death, awful way to die" his voice was thick irish and deep "Thelma I must be going, tell Cassie everything. I'll see you both tomorrow, though I'll you later, Cassie"

A strong fog had appeared and he disappeared into it, not walking, but evaporating into it. It didn't take long before his body was engrossed with the fog. Cassie turned to Thelma, who was standing with a knife in her hand, much like the one she'd been killed with. Thelma turned and gave the young women the knife.

"Oswold gave me this to give to you. He rules all the ghosts, and keeps them in line. When I was killed he appeared to me and said I was to stay with you. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner but I wasn't allowed. I'm not the only ghost though, he said there were plenty more. But you have to know they are there before you can see them"

"Thelma why did he want me to have the knife?"

"I don't know, maybe he fancies you" Thelma said winking.

Cassie and Thelma laughed before going back to their dorm. They laughed the way there, but when they came to the dorms they heard Roxanne. Moving slowly around the creaky floors they peered around the wall. She was talking into thin air.

"Lorna, I'm telling you to stop it"

There was slience for a second......

"Yeah but its my shampoo"

Cassie gave Thelma a confused look. Her usually smooth forehead was now full of lines, showing her puzzlement. Thelma pouted her lip, then they went back to staring at Roxanne. She stopped talking and went into her dorm. When the door was closed, Cassie turned her attention to Thelma, who pointed back at the door. It was opening by itself and then closed by itself. Both girls went into Cassie's dorm.

"I always knew that Roxanne was a bit of an oddball." Thelma said

"I think she was talking to someone" Cassie said thinking about the scene that had just unfolded

"Yeah her sister! What a loony she should be locked in...."

"Lorna is a ghost" her voice was full of wonder, as she watched Thelma stop pacing the floor.


Thelma had gone out for a while. Something about mooning a police-officer. Cassie stayed in, and lay on her bed. She had plenty of homeworks to be done, but she remained lying. She was trying to think of different things to explain all that she'd went through today. But the answers were in a labyrinth, and when she thought she was going the right way she hit a wall that made her think all over again. She sat upright, that presence was around her again, that same attraction.

"I said I'd see you tonight" Oswold said "I know who you thought I was back at the lake"

"Really" said Cassie in a sarcastic manner.

"You thought I was my brother."

Re: fanfiction: Cassie

Very nice pieces of work, keep them up! I wish I could write like that. Would you mind if I put them up on the site?

Re: fanfiction: Cassie

That'd be wicked, thanks

Re: fanfiction: Cassie

Chapter 3

"How?" Cassie gasped

"Cassie there are many things in this world that seem difficult and tough to understand, but you must belive me when I tell you: I'm on your side. My brother has hated me since our father ordered me to take over his nation. You see when you are an angel you dream of becoming the ruler, my brother was one of those dreamers. Time pasted and Azazeal's jealousy climixed, he would become obssessed with certain women, then after a while he began to kill them. Ghost's soon started to complain, the people I was born to look after weren't save, so I expelled him. It now appears he is going to wage war on this world....."

Cassie sat on the bed, her knees together and her hands placed on her knees. It all started to piece together, the feelings she had were no longer un-answerable. Any questions she had before, were now so minute not even the smallest creature in the world could see them. Oswold sat beside Cassie, a protective arm wrapped around her.

"Do you know if a girl named Roxanne has a ghost?"

"Yes she does. I'm sure you know about the rule of seeing a ghost?" He asked, Cassie nodded her head and Oswold continued "Lorna wasn't killed by Azazeal, she took her own life after seeing his true form. Roxanne was only 16, if I remember right, she found her in their room. She'd swallowed an entire bottle of small pills. Lorna was 17, and when she was transported to me, I made her a ghost."

Cassie sat amazed. Roxanne never even mentioned a sister, she'd always thought of her as a lonely child. She looked back at Oswold, his eyes were a darker grey than before.

"Its getting late...."

Cassie looked at the clock, it was five past one in the morning. They couldn't have talked that long, it was barely ten when he came into her dorm. She looked at him for an answer.

"You spent most of the time thinking.." He said before dissapearing into the night air.


Thelma was walking up the stairs of her old boarding school. She could make as much noise as she wanted and no-one would know, though there wouldn't be that much fun involved. She could invade peoples' dreams, thats always fun. Giving up all hope of fun, Thelma went to check on Cassie. She gently opened the door in fear of waking her sleeping crush but found Cassie rather awake and a little shocked. Not needing words, Thelma immersed Cassie in a warming hug. Her friends heartbeat was quick but soon started to clam as Thelma soothed her. Cassie went to speck but was stopped by Thelma's finger.

"Tell me later..."


It was morning now and the sun was pouring its rays through the window. Cassie and Thelma were on Thelma's bed still wrapped in a hug. Cassie had told her all that Oswold had said to her. Now, they were wondering how to use the information.

"I say we freak her out with it!" Thelma said

"Thelma, how would you like it if someone started to freak us out?"

"Well, we can't sit and pretend we don't know, Cassie" she said, playing with her friends golden locks.

"I think we should tell her about us and that we understand, so she knows she's not different"

Although she wasn't keen on the idea, Thelma gave in and they decided that they would talk to Roxanne about her sister. They needed her on her own, which would be hard as she was never without her friends. Cassie got ready for her classes and also ready for the talk she would be having with Roxanne. She was walking down the hallway when she spotted Roxanne by her locker with a women beside her. The girl had to be Lorna. She had long brown hair, long legs that were covered by tight black jeans and a white shirt that was showing her cleavage. She was a appealing women, Cassie looked about and none of the boys were staring at the girl. Cassie walked upto Roxanne.

"Hey Roxanne"

"Cassie, hi"

"Is this your sister?" Cassie asked looking at the women leaning against the lockers.

"You Can See Me!!!!??" Lorna asked

Roxanne tried to run but Cassie grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to one side. Lorna followed them. Roxanne was in a heavy sweat and she was panting loudly. Lorna put a hand on Roxanne's shoulder.

"Lets go to the toliets, yeah?"

Please leave feedback

Re: fanfiction: Cassie

I know that I'm changing whats happening on the show a hell of alot, but heck its fanfiction!

The two girls and Lorna went to the showers. Roxanne was staring at Cassie while they walked. She could feel the eyes on her, but Cassie walked on. Lorna was walking behind them both. Cassie opened the door and went in, followed by the other two. Roxanne used the wall as support.

"I know this is confusing, but Thelma is here."

Roxanne looked Cassie in the eyes and knew what she was saying was true. Lorna looked at Roxanne who nodded at her. Before Roxanne and Lorna's eyes, Thelma started to appear. As though she were a blurry mess coming into focus. Roxanne squinted her eyes.


Meanwhile, Thelma was beginning to see Lorna. When she came into view, Thelma's breath was taken away. She was truly beautiful, her brown curly hair, long legs. Wow! Shes a sight, thought Thelma. Lorna was also taken aback when she saw Thelma. She looked like a gothic goddess, she thought.

"Yeah, hi, guys"

Cassie could feel the the awkwardness between everyone and thought it best to break the tension. Thats not all she could feel, there was a thickness of raw passion also moving in the room, the main centers were Thelma and Lorna. Having just caught onto what Thelma must have been thinking, she stood in front of her friend.

"We'd better being going, yes?"

"Yeah sure. Bye Lorna" Thelma said, then remembering the other "you too Roxanne"


Cassie and Thelma were making their way back to the dorms, Cassie walked looking at the floor and her arms around herselve. Thelma, however, was walking along quite happy. Seeing her friend looking a little hurt, Thelma waited till they were back in their room before asking.

"Your tongue was practically hanging out!" Cassie screamed.

"Cassie will you just calm down, God! And you said I was the dramatic one!" Thelma couldn't help but throw a joke into the fight "Why are you all worked up?"

Cassie sat on the bed opposite from where Thelma was standing. She gathered her face in her hands and then ran her hands through her long hair.

"I don't know, I'm just so used to you." Cassie looked up at Thelma and saw a face of bewilderment "its just.....I was the one your after not that...that bloody Lorna!"

Thelma went and sat on the bed, and leaned her head onto Cassie's shoulder.

"I'll always be after you, your Cassie"

Cassie smiled, but she couldn't help wonder. If she didn't lose Thelma by death, would she lose her by a women?

Please I live on this rate I'll be an lol. Thanks everyone who is giving feedback, it means alot.

Re: fanfiction: Cassie do you come up with that. I have an imagination. but that idea about Azazeal's brother pure genius.
p.s, if you havent noticed you can find your work on the site now. Ill be posting it in installments if thats alright.

Re: fanfiction: Cassie

thats totally wicked, mate. Thanks!

Re: fanfiction: Cassie

Chapter 5

Thelma stalked the halls of Medenham, it was a frightfully cold night. She carried a small candle on a plate, that would be her navigation for the time that Cassie slept. Nights had become all the same and her time began to blend into one long, lonely afterlife. She thought about going to the vending machine's but she had a better a idea. Thelma decided to read a little more of erotic fiction. Knowing her way, Thelma quietly crept along the school and opened the door, being careful of anyone who might be awake at this rejected hour.

"What the hell.." Thelma said. But before she could speck further, a hand covered her mouth. It wasn't a heated grab or something that would frighten you. It felt so unreal, yet searing.

"Oh! Thelma! Gosh I'm so sorry" Lorna said removing her hand.

"Its fine, what are you doing here?" she asked as Lorna looked away bashful

"Same reason you are I think.......Bored and wanted to read a little, badly written, fiction. Mind you they're all ****, no girly action"

Thelma, for once in her life, had no idea what to say to that.

"I could have swore you said you liked girl on girl action"

"Maybe we haven't started correctly......I'm Lorna, out and proud lesbian" and she extended her hand

"Thelma, also out and proud lesbian, nice to meet you" she said shaking the womens hand.

"The pleasure's all mine" Lorna said and winked.


Both ghosts were walking about the grounds of the school. The howling wind had clamed and they happily walked onword. Lorna was slightly shorter than Thelma, but was happy with the view of the other girls slighty open top. It soon started to lash with rain and the pair made their way indoors. The fire in the meeting hall was still burning hard and strong, so Thelma leaded Lorna to two bean bags sitting beside one another infront of the heated source. Words had no effect in this scene, only actions could let the other know. Lorna had been watching Thelma, her slight breaths, her hands playing with the tassels at the end of a cushion. Thelma was sitting playing with her fingers, it really was now or never.

"Thelm....." but her sentance was cut short when

Thelma captured the brunette's mouth with her own. She moved over, and lay as a feather on Lorna. She locked their hands together and continued to wait till the sign that Lorna would let her tongue explore further. Lorna opened her mouth and Thelma slipped her tongue inside. They pulled their hands apart and began to feel the others smooth creamy body. Nothing would tear them apart, except the longing of air their bodies needed before their heated passion was set on fire again. The ghosts would stay there till tomorrow, when the waking of students would stop their hidden cuddles and kisses.

fEeDbAcK plz?

Re: fanfiction: Cassie

it gets better, episode 2 will be up tonight