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The Nephilm and other bits

Here are a few bits and pieces..

Nëphilim (NOT Nephelim) (pronounced Nef-he-leem) is from the Hebrew meaning ‘Those that (have / are the) fallen’. ‘Nephilim’ also means ‘Giants’ or ‘Watchers’! Make of that what you will Buffy fans!

Were a race of demi-gods, comparable to the Titans of classical Greek mythology. The Nephilim bore many other (regional) tribal names..

Emim (’Terrors’), Rephaim (’Phantoms or ‘the Weakeners’), Gibborim (’Giant Heroes’), Zamzummim (’Achievers’), Anakim (’Long Necked’ or ‘Wearers of necklaces’), Awwim (’Devastators’ or ‘Serpents’).

As for the Anakim, do you remember all those African tribes people who wore so many Neck rings it stretched them?

2) Äzäzěl (pronounced Az-a-zeel) is from the Hebrew ‘Power (of the God) El’, literally meaning ‘That which escapes’.

Traditional talks of the ‘Evil Spirit’ of the ‘Wilderness’ (Azazel) to whom the ‘Scapegoat bears (brings) back the sins of the people for which the ‘Evil Spirit’ (Azazel) is responsible.’

Leviticus 16: 8, 10 and 26 (revised version).

A few Nephilim ARE mentioned in various sources.

Azazel (See above).
Arba (meaning the number 4). Who built the city of ‘Kiriath-Arba’ or Hebron.
Anak son of Arba.
Sheshai, Ahiman and Talmai the 3 sons of Anak.

Numbers 13: 33

4) Scapegoat. Literally The Escaped Goat.

On the 10th Day of the 7th Month (7th of July; the Day of Atonement) an act of worship was carried out by the Jewish High Priest (at the altar of the Tabernacle, in remembrance of Aaron) to ‘reconcile’ the Nation of Jehovah. 2 goats were used as part of a ceremony, where the High Priest cast ‘lots’ (ballots) to see which goat was to be sacrificed, either as a ‘Sin Offer’ (to the Lord) or ‘Atonement’ (for Azazel). If the ‘Atonement’ (Azazel) goat was chosen the High Priest confessed the sins of the ‘people’ and this 2nd goat was released to freedom. The goat is so named because it was allowed to ‘eSCAPE’ back to the wilderness.

Ezekiel 32: 20
Genesis 6: 4

Leviticus 16: 23—26, 32

This is a great site

And some others..

Re: The Nephilm and other bits

thanks im gonna take a look at them in a bit...if you keep watching the show i get the idea that we will find alot out about Azazeal and his past

Re: The Nephilm and other bits

The nephilim allso feature as the old ones in the atlantice mythose.
I also beleave, athough cant acutaly remeber where I heard it so it might not be true, that they were also referred to as Los Lobos: Angles that were thrown out of heaven during the lucfer revolt.