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Re: fanfiction: Cassie

thats totally wicked, mate. Thanks!

Re: fanfiction: Cassie

Chapter 5

Thelma stalked the halls of Medenham, it was a frightfully cold night. She carried a small candle on a plate, that would be her navigation for the time that Cassie slept. Nights had become all the same and her time began to blend into one long, lonely afterlife. She thought about going to the vending machine's but she had a better a idea. Thelma decided to read a little more of erotic fiction. Knowing her way, Thelma quietly crept along the school and opened the door, being careful of anyone who might be awake at this rejected hour.

"What the hell.." Thelma said. But before she could speck further, a hand covered her mouth. It wasn't a heated grab or something that would frighten you. It felt so unreal, yet searing.

"Oh! Thelma! Gosh I'm so sorry" Lorna said removing her hand.

"Its fine, what are you doing here?" she asked as Lorna looked away bashful

"Same reason you are I think.......Bored and wanted to read a little, badly written, fiction. Mind you they're all ****, no girly action"

Thelma, for once in her life, had no idea what to say to that.

"I could have swore you said you liked girl on girl action"

"Maybe we haven't started correctly......I'm Lorna, out and proud lesbian" and she extended her hand

"Thelma, also out and proud lesbian, nice to meet you" she said shaking the womens hand.

"The pleasure's all mine" Lorna said and winked.


Both ghosts were walking about the grounds of the school. The howling wind had clamed and they happily walked onword. Lorna was slightly shorter than Thelma, but was happy with the view of the other girls slighty open top. It soon started to lash with rain and the pair made their way indoors. The fire in the meeting hall was still burning hard and strong, so Thelma leaded Lorna to two bean bags sitting beside one another infront of the heated source. Words had no effect in this scene, only actions could let the other know. Lorna had been watching Thelma, her slight breaths, her hands playing with the tassels at the end of a cushion. Thelma was sitting playing with her fingers, it really was now or never.

"Thelm....." but her sentance was cut short when

Thelma captured the brunette's mouth with her own. She moved over, and lay as a feather on Lorna. She locked their hands together and continued to wait till the sign that Lorna would let her tongue explore further. Lorna opened her mouth and Thelma slipped her tongue inside. They pulled their hands apart and began to feel the others smooth creamy body. Nothing would tear them apart, except the longing of air their bodies needed before their heated passion was set on fire again. The ghosts would stay there till tomorrow, when the waking of students would stop their hidden cuddles and kisses.

fEeDbAcK plz?

Re: fanfiction: Cassie

it gets better, episode 2 will be up tonight