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Fanfic: Endgame.

Just a short fanfic of what could, and hopefully won't, happen at the end of the last epsiode.
Any and all feedback appreceated.

HEX: Endgame.

Cassie knew she didn’t have much time, they, he would be here soon. And then it would be finished her last chance for redemption.
Tightening her dressing gown, she threw the rope out toward the large, old, oak beams that crossed the roof above the main stair well to Medenham house.
With an extra bit of concentration she sent the rope looping over the old wood and wrapping back on its self in a secure knot
“What, you doing?” Thelma asked walking out of the shadows cast by a nearby entranceway.
“I’m ending this now.” She said simply cradling the loop of rope in her hands.
“No! Cassie, you can’t, you mustn’t let him win!” Thelma grabbed for her best friend’s arms but her hands passed right through them.
“Don’t you see?” Cassie held her friend’s intense gaze. “This is the only way it can end. The only way I can beat him!” By the last she was shouting.
The sound of the main doors crashing open startled both girls. Cassie looked down to see Azazael walk though the doors and start up the stairs toward the pair.
“It’s now or never.” Cassie said and clambered up onto the banister, the stone was cold under her bear feet.
“Cass, there has to be another way.” Her dead friend pleaded with her.
“Listen to her Cassie, it is your destiny.” The handsome angel said as he approached.
“A mask I wore as I approached, I was what I am not,” The ghost quoted.
“Silly girl.” Azazael snapped. “You can never understand! You have no choice!”
“Yes I do.” Cassie said defiantly, shuffling down the banister away from them.
“My last ally laid to waste, I ran toward the light.
I preyed for one to change my path to give me strength to fight…” Cassie locked eyes with Thelma. “I love you. I always did, you know that right.”
“I know.” Thelma replied; and then to Azazael. “History has a habit of repeating its self. Doesn’t it?”
“No.” Azazael screamed as Cassie took that last step.
“Deep in the earth I faced I fight that I could never win.
The blameless and the base destroyed and al that might have been.” Thelma finished the poem stepping back into the shadows.
Azazael screamed as he faded down into his true form.
Students crowded the hall bellow as Cassie, the last of the Medenham Witches, swung from a hangman’s noose.

(AN: the poem is Gabriel Knight By Jane Jensen)

Re: Fanfic: Endgame.

really good start...i was a bit dissapointed that she died so soon though :(
Oh well...great story. Any idea of what could happen after that though. It seems that you want the story to end...

Re: Re: Fanfic: Endgame.

It was just supposed to be a sort fic with how I would have ended the series. Sorry, if I didn't say that before. Might wirte another loger one when I can find my muse.

Re: Fanfic: Endgame.

good one