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Re: second series?

The reviews and viewing figures that I've seen for the episodes so far have been so good that I can't imagine that there won't be a second series. I suppose it depends how this one finishes!

Re: Re: second series?

i've just read what happens in the last episode and it sounds like it will be great and there does seem to be an opening for a second series.

Re: Re: Re: second series?

I cant see there being a 2nd series.
To be honest I'm pleased there is only one episode to go, I REALLY wanted to like this programme but it's pretty awful, slow and boring.
The writing and acting is substandard, there is no plot to speak of and the show just proves no matter how hard we try to copy this style of show from the Americans we just cant pull it off.
Put Cassie out of her misery and end ours!

Re: Re: Re: Re: second series?

So you think the writing's crap, the acting's crap, and the whole series has been slow and boring with no plot...but you've watched all of the episodes and you've taken the time to post on the fan site? Ok...

Re: second series?

well i suppose we all haveour own opinions...

2nd Series is Confirmed

Go here

Re: Re: second series?

Well, I for one think the show is great. I admit I had to check it out because people were saying that it was like Buffy. I have to say that I would be disappointed if there were not a second series. I like the show. The characters are well acted and you can get into the story. As always some people are not going to like it, but I do. But that is my own humble opinion.