Hello! I have a question on how to join a Boutique Selling Group. How do you get an invite? Or are you invited, or do you just ask, or is that rude? Thank you ANYONE for your help!
I dont think it is Rude at all to ask for an invite into a group. I think that is an excelent way to get invited.
You know you get to look at the group from the outside first, see the items they sell and if you think it would be a good fit for your items then submit a request.
Being in a Group is SO much fun, expcially when you get in with a bunch of Really great people that all have the same ideas of how to promote their group. :)
Being the leader of this group I like it when I get requests....that way I know that they are interested enough to ask. I really don't like having to ask. It makes me feel like I am imposing. I would much rather designers come to us! Its not rude at all in my opinion. :)