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Looking for information...

Hi everyone! I saw my pap's name on the obituary list on this site, and after the listing I saw where it said "mam" in red underlined letters; is that the username of someone who would have more information on my family line? I am trying to start putting together a family tree, but don't really know where to start - I was just wondering if anyone on here might have any info on my family line. His name was Gervis Leroy Dillman, his father's name was Benjamin Dillman, and we think that his mother's name was Blanche Elizabeth, but we're not 100% sure (she died when he was very young so he never remembered her very well). Any information would be greatly appreciated - Thank you!!

Name You Are Researching Gervis Dillman

Re: Looking for information...


I just tried to find the obituary to which you are referring and cannot find it. Sorry I'm unable to help.
But my guess is that it prob. is the username. Click on it and see what happens. If an email pops up w/ that as the "to," then it is a username. Write to that person and hopefully you'll get an answer.

Toby Hurley

Name You Are Researching Dillman