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I am searching conformation on Dillman's family reunion Aug 6, 2008. I would like information on where, when, and time conformation?

Name You Are Researching Dillman

Re: Reunion

Julias; Thank you very much for stopping in. On behalf of the Dillman Family Association we would be pleased to meet you at our 4th Dillman Mega-Reunion. It will be at the Wingate Hotel at 5797 Rockville Road, Indianapolis 7-9August. Accommodations at the Wingate at a Dillman group rate are $79.00/night. Their telephone number is 317-243-8310 and ask for the Dillman Reunion Group Rate. Their fax is 317-803-3282.

Feel free to visit our web site www.dillmanfamilyassociation.org for updates as our reunion planning unfolds. Additionally, we would be pleased to have you as a member of the DillmanFamilyAssociation (DFA) and the DillmanDNA project (DDNA). The dues is $10 for a two year period and goes toward helping other Dillman researchers through this web site, our DDNA project and mailings. Joye is our Treasury and would be pleased to assist you joining our association. Joye's email is listed on our second page of the DFA site.

If you are a direct male Dillman descendant you are eligible to join our project and realize considerable savings on your tests at our group discounted rates. Please visit www.frankdillman.com/dnalist.htm to see our present family groups (10 so far) and see if you might fit into one of these groups on paper. I would be pleased to answer any of your questions and assist you in joining our DDNA project. The DDNA project pages start at http://www.frankdillman.com/dnaindexa.html

I strongly believe as a Dillman genealogist you will NOT be disappointed in our reunion program and experiencing an opportunity to meet oh so many Dillmans at one time. Who knows you might meet a cousin for the first time. I have seen it happen!

If you are considering joining the DDNA I would suggest you do so before the reunion so you'll definitely know which line is yours and whom you should sit down and compare notes.

BTW who is your furthest back ancestor? We have a lot of talent, resources, and interest within the DFA.