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"White Noise"

ever get the fealing some one is looking over your sholder? get the willies? get a sudden chill up your spine? or goose bumps crawl all over your skin. you ever thought you saw something out of the corner of your eye? ever have the lights go out on you for no reason? your radio of tv ever get a mind of its own?


Well then take your seat and fasten your seatbelts, hold on to your popcorn because you will with out a doubt be jolted right out of your seat on this one.

I give it

Re: "White Noise"

Don't know what movie you saw, Dave T Clown, but the White Noise i saw last night was a stinkeroo...sorry, i like phenomena and scary movies, and that was just plain irritating. A few good scenes, but i thought the acting was below par, especially for michael keaton, and they stretched the movie out too far...would have made a great one hour series show but that's about it. really disappointing. I give it

Re: "White Noise"

I thought this was a verry sad love story of a man how lost his wife and morned so much it made him turn to the supernatural grasping at straws.

I like this one....