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MN Billiards Discussion Board
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What happened to Minnesota Nice??!!

Wow. Just wow. I can't believe what I'm hearing here. Can't we just all get along? I mean, yes - times are tough - and most of us can barely pay our bills let alone helping a college student in persuing a once in a lifetime opportunity - but just tell him good luck and go on to the next thing!

Seriously - why do we feel it necessary to belittle him and act in such a cruel, non-humanitarian way? There's no need to air his dirty laundry, or make him feel like crap for trying to find the goodness in fellow people's - fellow POOL PLAYER'S - hearts!

If you can't or don't want to help Tanner, fine. Just tell him sorry, but good luck - or simply say NOTHING! This forum isn't hinging on weather or not you post a reply if you read the thread - just click out of it and go on your merry way. Maybe some of you are irritated that the poor economy is affecting you, so why not take it out on someone else to make you feel better about your situation? I don't know...

This is a young pool player, one of our "family", and it ashaming that this is the way he's treated in our community.

Tanner - I, for one, am not in the position to help you out. I wish I could. I thought your post was very well written, and was impressed that in the age of texting and IMing, that there IS youth out there using the english language correctly and as it's intended. Bravo! As far as the negative replies - I hope you can ignore them and realize that it's their issue, not yours. You weren't holding a gun to anyone's head demanding money, you were simply explaining your situation and if anyone was able to help, that it would be appreciated. I wish you the best of luck in your adventure, that's something most people will never have a chance to do. If you ARE able to go, I'd love to be included in your reports and photos, etc. if you'd like to add me to the list!

Re: What happened to Minnesota Nice??!!

Well said. and thank u...Toni, June, and Chad. I don't personally know Tanner but I have seen him at various SD tournies I've worked, and he seems to be a likeable kid. I also know that one of my best friends on the planet, Missy Benson, also had a chance of lifetime last summer,and with help from some very gracious friends and family, including those in the pool community, was able to raise enough money to go on a trip to Africa. Missy is older than Tanner and has been to Europe and Mexico, but said that her trip to Africa was totally life changing!
I don't know you Josh, and you do seem like a relatively learned individual, but I don't get why you have a problem. Tanner isn't asking for help to go to Oktoberfest, or some other party in Europe. He's hoping to better understand cultures that most Americans know little about. If you don't want to contribute, that's your choice, but what are you trying to gain by tearing him down? You just come off like an ignorant ******
I'm not in very good spot either, Tanner, but shoot me an email and I'll try to see what I can do.

Chance of a Lifetime for me! Please read!

Well Jessica and I know Tanner. I think he is a great kid. It is partly because of the economy that he is probably asking for alittle help. It is very hard to get a loan at the moment without very good credit and at his age how can you expect him to have alot of money. I think it took alot of heart to get on here and ask for help, there is nothing wrong with that. I did the same thing when I was 19 and had only $80 to my name. I have never forgotten the people who helped me then. It's not like you have to give him money, but if you can afford it, why not help him out. So Tanner, I hope you have a great trip and I expect to get a few updates while your gone. My check is in the mail bud & have a great trip?