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MN Billiards Discussion Board
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Tournament Placement

I know this is brought up every year, but who is responsible for proper placement in the state tournaments(ACS, MOMA, BCA)? Is it the player, vendor or tournament director? I see the initial list for MOMA is now up and am aware that there is still shuffling going on but for example, if someone placed in the top three in their division last year and have now signed up for the same division this year, who is responsible? Is there any repercussion for knowingly signing up for a lower division?

Re: Tournament Placement

If you see someone out of place, I believe theywant all of us to give input. This is from the D&R website and I believe #2 answers your question:

Entries will posted on line by Jan. 23rd for review by players:
1. To make sure we got your entry
2. To make sure we (the operators) have everyone in the correct division.

I think they want your opinion/protest. E-mail them! and also post it publicly here!

I also believe they should have a disclaimer on the entry form that will diqualify anyone for knowingly trying to register to the wrong division and also ban them for something like 2 years.

Re: Re: Tournament Placement

The Operators would like to thank all the pool players that help in the placement of individuals and teams. That is why we have now included the individual names on a team listing, to better rate them. Go to our website,, to "Pool Leagues" and then click on the MOMA heading to find the player and team list. Please let your Operator know if you are missing from that list or any other questions you may have. They will contact me. We want to correct any problems before Feb. 6th. At that time we will be doing the "start times" for your event and we need everyone in the correct divisions by then. This is another effort by MOMA to better inform the players so we can all enjoy a great tournament.
Thank you all again!!
Wayne Herron - Tournament Director

Re: Re: Re: Tournament Placement

Thanks Wayne. Does your player ranking list on the DNR Star web page reflect how you have done in moma or moma and ACS and nationally? It would be easier to be helpful if all 3 lists were available for players to review.