This is a forum to discuss issues of interest concerning education, entrepreneurship, African American life, American life, and anything else that might be productive to generate positive energy. All thoughts are welcome, but no sniping or flaming!
I preface this by saying that I am and probably always will be a bit cynical. But I also have a very hopeful side, and I like to believe that people have good intentions, more often than not.
That being said, I have had a hard time with the "Christians" in business. Not necessarily with people who are Christians, without declaration, who are Christian in their life and lifestyle... I admire and consider myself a humble follower of Christ as well, and like to see examples that teach me to love and serve life better. But, I am referring to organizations that use their "religion" for a marketing tool or a lure to create the image of stability, honesty and trust. I have fallen for that lure a few times, and in most cases, it resulted in unpaid invoices and covert use of work that I have produced.
At my consulting firm, we currently have a saying to "Beware the Christians, they will take you out in a heartbeat."