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Observation Squadron Sixty Seven
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Discovery Channel

I received the following heads-up from Jess , a friend of the VO-67 squadron. Please make a note of this and watch if you can. It is possible that Crew-2, 5 or John Hartzheim may be on a future episode. We are still looking for about 35 unlocated VO-67 members. Perhaps a few would see a VO-67 story and contact us. Thanks
----- Original Message -----
From: Ed Chow

Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 9:18 AM
Subject: History Channel to Focus on CILHI

Hi there,

This was given to me by Ms. Susan Ragan. FYI


Sept. 6, at 8 p.m. (ET/PT) on the History Channel the show MIA: Solved will
premier. It is a documentary that was completed on CILHI and two of the
cases it worked. The show goes through the recovery missions for the Makin
Raiders and the identification process that led to the Marines going home.
The other case highlighted is Thomas Hembree, WWII Pearl Harbor unknown
identified in 2001 and buried last year. It explains the disinterment of his
remains from the Punchbowl and the identification that followed. CILHI
provided mission video footage and still pictures which made the cut. The
CILHI interviews that made it include SFC Elzie, CPT Royle, Mr. Webb, Dr.
Mann, CAPT Lewis, LTC D unn, Dr. Belcher, Mr. Sturm, Ms. Harris, and Sgt

The show includes historical footage and interviews with family members from
the above cases.

I encourage you all to watch it and pass the info on to your family and
friends. If the History Channel gets ratings back of .06 or higher the show
will become a series. JPAC will then work with them telling the story of
service members we have recovered and identified for 13 or 26 episodes.
Watch the History Channel website for changes to the airing time.

Ann Mills Griffiths
Executive Director
National League of POW/MIA Families
1005 North Glebe Road, Suite 170
Arlington, VA 22201