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Observation Squadron Sixty Seven
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James Stidham

This week, James E Stidham, AX1, Crew 2, will receive his Air Medal that was awarded to him in 1968 for the combat missions that he flew while attached to VO-67. Through unforeseen circumstances, James never received his orignal Air Medal and Citation. Now, after 35 years, with the help of Barbara Wilson and Betty Barnes at the CNO Awards Board, James will now receive his overdue award. Congratulations, Jim!

Re: James Stidham

Bignall/CDR ALex. Bravo Zulu on getting the AM reissued. Hey Bignall what happened the phone bill come due and they shut your phone and PC off. Or just made Bail. Ha

Re: Re: James Stidham

Hey, Bill! Who ever said new computers were cheap? Thanks much for all your help. Kerry

Re: James Stidham

Thats great news ! Good work Kerry. Nice to have some good news reguarding one of our shipmates. James does not have an e-mail address and is home bound lately. I will not post a phone number here but if you would like to call him, e-mail me or Alex and we will give you the number.