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Observation Squadron Sixty Seven
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Re: TLC Brotherhood Reunion

I concur with Earl. The TLC Brotherhood is a great bunch and I have been a member for several years. I plan on attending there next reunion in southern California next year. They do a lot of great work for the young and old in Thailand. Check the related links section on this site to locate the TLC Brotherhood.

Re: TLC Brotherhood Reunion

One of our Honorary members of the VO-67 Association, Jimmie Butler, has posted pictures of the Memorial Service " Roll Call", taken during the annual TLC membership meeting at Ft. Walton Beach, FL. During the service more than 1650 names were read of American service members who were lost in action from Thailand, Laos and Cambodia bases. Earl Litz, VO-67 Association Secretary, and Honorary member John Loftus read the names of our 20 KIA members. Thank you guys! And thanks to Jimmie for putting together a great tribute for our brothers. You can see the pictures on Jimmies site at

Bob Reynolds