VO-67 roster: changes of address, telephone, email
VO-67 personnel, family members, associate members, and all other interested people:
The location committee spent a lot of time and personnal expense trying to locate everyone for VO-67 reunions. No one regrets these efforts, but we do ask if you have a change in address, telephone number, or email address; that you let us know. It is very frustrating to try to relocate someone to give info for our next reunion or other mailings.
Please notify one of the following people who keep the VO-67 roster, if you have a change in address, telephone number, or email.
Doug Donohue: email: nvsoar@charter.net
Herb Ganner: email: ganner@attg.net
Alex Alexander: email: alexusn@aboutmontana.net
Bob Reynolds: email: CrklMoon@aol.com