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Observation Squadron Sixty Seven

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Observation Squadron Sixty Seven
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Awards Chairman

Greetings Shipmates,

The VO-67 Association is looking for a volunteer to assume the position of Association Awards Chairman. I know that in talking with others who have tackled this position in the past that it can be a very difficult and frustrating endeavor. The VO-67 Squadron has been placed in request for the awarding of the "Presidential Unit Citation". This paperwork is being followed by others and would not be included in the new chairman's responsibilities. Other personal and Squadron awards in the future are a possibility for the new Chairman.
The most pressing matter now seems to be qualifying enlisted members to the 'Combat Roll of Honor". We need a person willing to work within the bounds of the VO-67 Association to encourage qualified flight crewmembers to complete the paperwork required for expectance and induction into this most honored legion. They would also be required to work with our pilots in gaining nominations for their enlisted crewmembers. One VO-67 member appears to be doing some paperwork on his own and that is expectable although a little cumbersome for the Association.
We can lean on the help of our VO-67 Squadron friends in other Navy units to help guide us on the proper procedures.
If you are interested in this position please e-mail me. Officer or Enlisted.

In Brotherhood
Bob Reynolds