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Observation Squadron Sixty Seven

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Observation Squadron Sixty Seven
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I want to bring you all up to speed on the out come of the ballot- questionnaire that you received a while back. As you will see in a prior message that the Fourth VO-67 reunion will be held in San Diego in the summer of 2005. San Diego won by a landslide and perhaps that was because the USS Milius should be in port during that time.
The membership selected a first project as a college scholarship grant for VO-67 Charter members, Associate members or USS Milius crew, childern or grandchildren. This in remembrance of our 20 KIA brothers. The scholarship will start at $500.00 and I am hoping this will grow in size considerably as the years go by. Persons nominating a student must be a member of this Association.
Also passed by an over whelming margin was the agreement that Associates who wish to join our Association could do so at the cost of $10.00 per year.
A cost of $110.00 would be levied for any Charter or Associate member wishing to become a " Life" member of the VO-67 Association. This also passed by a large margin
The board will be looking for volunteers for the Reunion committee and the Scholarship committees so start thinking about helping out your squadron if you can. I do feel that the Reunion Committee Chairman should be located as close to San Diego as possible. This worked well in the past.
Many members who sent in a ballot also sent in a contribution to the brotherhood to help with operating costs. You guys are great! A total of $890.00 was garnered for the general fund. Thanks Guys.
I also want to make mention of the VO-67 web site at . The web masters are doing a great job. If you have not signed the guest book please do so.

In Brotherhood
Bob Reynolds
VO-67 Association President
Crew-5 Roadrunner

Re: New information

Bob, thanks for the info. How do i sign up as an associate member.