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The NAGNFC Gary Numan Forum For the 21st Century
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Re: What Is So Bad About Outland?

greetings, numanoid friend. you are not alone! i also think that outland is a very good album. there are some excellent songs to be found on it, especially 'dream killer', 'outland' and 'my world storm'. i have ben a fan for a long time, and cannot name one song of Gary's that i do not like.

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Replying to:

Hello. I am a big fan of the 'Outland' album. No one seems to praise it like Telekon or bash it like M+S... COME ON ! YOU KNOW ITS GREAT! I really love this album, and I cant figure out why it gets no attention? It has some really great songs on it, and you can see some of the formations of Gary's later religious writings on the songs... Come on people, love outland with me!

BTW, I think more people dislike the sound of late 80s early 90s numan than anything else...

Re: Re: What Is So Bad About Outland?

you 2 are not alone, i am a big fan of outland too, my fav songs on the album are: Soul protection, confession, dark sunday, outland, dream killer and another one which i cant remember the name of right now (its track 3 on the album), i have the album on tape and another LIVE tape of one of the 1991 outland concerts (leeds, polytechnic) which i bought from ebay, im desperatly seeking the LIVE outland video, does anyone have it? if so whats it like? im guessing itll be similar to the live tape i have, but with gary on exxelent form

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Replying to:

greetings, numanoid friend. you are not alone! i also think that outland is a very good album. there are some excellent songs to be found on it, especially 'dream killer', 'outland' and 'my world storm'. i have ben a fan for a long time, and cannot name one song of Gary's that i do not like.

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Replying to:

Hello. I am a big fan of the 'Outland' album. No one seems to praise it like Telekon or bash it like M+S... COME ON ! YOU KNOW ITS GREAT! I really love this album, and I cant figure out why it gets no attention? It has some really great songs on it, and you can see some of the formations of Gary's later religious writings on the songs... Come on people, love outland with me!

BTW, I think more people dislike the sound of late 80s early 90s numan than anything else...

Re: Re: Re: What Is So Bad About Outland?

i remember what that songs called now, its 'my world storm', i love that song.

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Replying to:

you 2 are not alone, i am a big fan of outland too, my fav songs on the album are: Soul protection, confession, dark sunday, outland, dream killer and another one which i cant remember the name of right now (its track 3 on the album), i have the album on tape and another LIVE tape of one of the 1991 outland concerts (leeds, polytechnic) which i bought from ebay, im desperatly seeking the LIVE outland video, does anyone have it? if so whats it like? im guessing itll be similar to the live tape i have, but with gary on exxelent form

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Replying to:

greetings, numanoid friend. you are not alone! i also think that outland is a very good album. there are some excellent songs to be found on it, especially 'dream killer', 'outland' and 'my world storm'. i have ben a fan for a long time, and cannot name one song of Gary's that i do not like.

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Replying to:

Hello. I am a big fan of the 'Outland' album. No one seems to praise it like Telekon or bash it like M+S... COME ON ! YOU KNOW ITS GREAT! I really love this album, and I cant figure out why it gets no attention? It has some really great songs on it, and you can see some of the formations of Gary's later religious writings on the songs... Come on people, love outland with me!

BTW, I think more people dislike the sound of late 80s early 90s numan than anything else...

Re: Re: What Is So Bad About Outland?

It's crap.....well most of it anyway

what is so good about Eastlands?

should be the title mate... geez its been on the decks all night and it's a grower

no mistake

catch you later

Re: Re: What Is So Bad About Outland?

It is very bizarre to read a whole list of positive reviews on the "Outland" album. Huh?

I have been a Numan fan forever - dating back to 1979 - and Gary is by far my favorite musical artist. BUT - let's all be honest here - "Outland" is far from great. With the exeption of "Heart", the album is disposable. Follow this up with "Machine and Soul", and it's a miracle we're still talking about Gary.

Put "Outland" up against "Dance", "I, Assassin", or "Pure", and it is indeed crap. Sorry.

No offense intended.

Re: Re: What Is So Bad About Outland?

Well chaps, I'll give it another listen. It didn't work the magic on me the first (and only three times) I've listened to it. I suppose part of the problem is that it fails to come up with a soundscape to do justice to the title (the film with Sean Connery). I'm probably the only person in the world who paid to see Outland three-times on its first release!