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The NAGNFC Gary Numan Forum For the 21st Century
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Re: The big NAGNFC San Francisco ticket giveaway!

I have never seen Gary Numan in concert but I consider him my favorite artist ever. It's funny, this life. I could sing the lyrics for every song -- and I'm such the uber fan that I changed my penmanship over thirty years ago to mimic the calligraphy that Su Waltham did for the lyrics for The Pleasure Principal.

Gary -- love you LOVE you and your music -- you were and are a great positive influence on me. Sounds cheesy for a 48 year old to say that but it's the truth.

... wearing an old Tubeway Army T-shirt as I sit and type this from my home in Arizona.....

Re: The big NAGNFC San Francisco ticket giveaway!

Hi Jim
The Fillmore would be a very appropriate Venue to mark our wedding anniversary as indeed the Venue we saw Gary Numan in 2010 on our honeymoon,i can't think of a better place to be than San Francisco on this occasion

Re: The big NAGNFC San Francisco ticket giveaway!

pick me, i never win tickets :)

Re: The big NAGNFC San Francisco ticket giveaway!

I would love to win! Saw him in Sacramento last August...was blown away with the show! One way or another I will be there! :)

Re: The big NAGNFC San Francisco ticket giveaway!

I have a friend who is a big Gary Numan fan. If I won I would take him to see Gary. I'm not a big fan of Gary, but I know my friend would love it.