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Re: Re: What's your Favorite scene?

Welcome Phil

Glad you like the same scene as I do. I havent visited the De Burgh Arms yet but I hope to do so sometime this Summer.

I hadnt noticed the precise continuity "errors" but knew it didnt quite match up.

I look forward to hearing of any more locations.


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This forum was looking a bit sad with just the two of you!

My favourite scene is also the Hauling like Brooligans scene. This is due to the fact that I work 1 minute away from the De Burgh Arms (the pub in the scene). I walk past it everyday (and often drink in it) and find it very hard not to whistle the theme tune as I do so! It's very strange seeing the location as it is now compared to the film. I also love the bad continuity as the scene switches from the location shot to the studio shot (as they begin arguing). Watch the man & woman not only change position but their appearance! Many local people that I work with are very aware and proud that Genevieve was shot around here. I'll try my best to find more locations not included on your site.

Glad to hear that a new DVD version is on it's way!


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David Rawsthorne suggests in an earlier message that an informal poll be conducted here - "What's your Favorite scene?"

David kicked things off by stating, "I love the bit where Geoffrey Keen as the Motorbike Policeman recites the list of misdemeanours but then proceeds to let them off - in case they thought he wasn't being fair. Priceless !!"

I had never thought in terms of a favorite scene, but in mere seconds, I realized that I *do* have a favorite scene:

It's the scene where Alan is captured in conversation by the old gent (Arthur Wontner) and decides he'd rather lose the race - and Genevieve - than be rude to Genevieve's admirer. It's a great moment that defines Alan's character and lets the viewer know why Wendy married him in the first place.

Anyone else care to offer a favorite?


Re: What's your Favorite scene?

Hi everyone,

My favourite scene...would probably have to be the crash sequence, where Genevieve crashes into the car that's towing it - and the subsequent scene outside the filling station/garage in which all the characters start talking across each other and their anger eventually focuses on the guy who's been trying to do them a favour by towing them! I also like the dinner scene in Brighton where - to everyone's great surprise - Rosalind plays the trumpet so well.

Alan T

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Replying to:

David Rawsthorne suggests in an earlier message that an informal poll be conducted here - "What's your Favorite scene?"

David kicked things off by stating, "I love the bit where Geoffrey Keen as the Motorbike Policeman recites the list of misdemeanours but then proceeds to let them off - in case they thought he wasn't being fair. Priceless !!"

I had never thought in terms of a favorite scene, but in mere seconds, I realized that I *do* have a favorite scene:

It's the scene where Alan is captured in conversation by the old gent (Arthur Wontner) and decides he'd rather lose the race - and Genevieve - than be rude to Genevieve's admirer. It's a great moment that defines Alan's character and lets the viewer know why Wendy married him in the first place.

Anyone else care to offer a favorite?
