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This is the best you can do Steve

You know and I hell even the Utards attending the event knows Payne doesn't have a chance. Look in his last match he had to use weapons to stop T-Gallo. I am a weapon. U felt my crushing strength and I ran through most of you locker room. Now you going to come back with some type of fat statement, but that only goes so far because you know Payne is going to suffer on his B-day. Tytan is coming and there is nothing that can be done about it!!!! Like or not I'm the champ and its going to stay like that for a long time so fall in line and get use to it. As I have said before. If you want it! Come take it! If you try you won't it! Tytan

Re: This is the best you can do Steve

I'm not going to make any more fat comments about you for fear you may sit on me again.

You are big and slow, I grant that you are a strong s.o.b. but you are lacking skill. I think that Payne will be able to take you down for the belt.


Re: This is the best you can do Steve

Well if this is the price you put on Payne's life then so be it. I will see or Payne and raise u a beating that won't be forgotten. I will see u soon. Tytan.

Re: This is the best you can do Steve

There are a few things that need to be clarified Tytan. In my last match I used the weapons because i WANTED to..... You and i have at least one thing in common, a joy in bringing pain to others!!! As for our match, I'll be honest you are by far the biggest opponent I have stepped in the ring with. But hey, you know what they say. The bigger they are... The harder they fall. Just remember one thing Tytan, what my name represents is not only a love to give pain, but also my ability to TAKE IT! I rented Planet of the Apes, Congo, and King Kong. I'm going to go study up on 101 ways to kill a big oversized ape!!!!!