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Welcome to the Sombrero Brothers Forum hosted by Christopher Laro.  Here we will discuss weight training, fitness, nutrition and supplements.  Christopher may be reached via email at:


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In the Spring of 2006, myself, Chris Laro and Don James (both diagnosed w/ bi-polar) decided to ignite new passion for our gym routine. We did it by reaching deep inside to pull out an 'inner moxie' and sense of Self-will that lead us on a path to achievement. We also created the 'Sombrero Brothers Circle of Power.'

The 'Golden Sombrero' is a metaphor for the reward after months and months of hardcore training at our local Vermont gym in the small New England town of Rutland. My goal for this website is to create a cyber community of other highly motivated and positive people (w/ and w/out bi-polar and o.c.d. or other depressive maladies) seeking to learn from two guys like me and Don. It's also going to be a forum so that we all can exchange personal anecdotes on life, training methods pro & con and how to take a nominal gym workout (as well as a depressive lifestyle) and turn it into someting truly ferocious! My motto is always - TRAIN VICIOUS. Or, LIVE VICIOUS. Not in a 'mean' way; the word vicious here meaning 'to exist fully with passion' in spite of one's disability.

The original e-book 'Bi-polar, 40 & Fitness' (chasing the 400 lb chest press) documents our four month quest for the Golden Sombrero. It's filled with personal converations, pics, How To bullet points of our training regiment, supplments & diet info and our shared wish to take the Sombrero Chest Press routine into other communities nationwide. Our objective: to set up a training workshop in other gyms around the country (or show YOU how to do it at your gym) so myself and Don can hold a Sombrero Bros. chest press contest and award the winner, his Golden Sombrero. We're all gym brethren and being brothers in the pain palace pushing iron every day like noble soldiers, I feel an obligation to share what I know.

When you download the e-book you will see a humorous little tale of just two average over forty guys who found their fountain of youth. The combination of hard super set training methods, as well as, a kick ass supplement diet, took our flat and decline bench press to new heights. And so can you, if you follow the program described in the e-book. More than that, for me and Don the new regiment created a growing sense of euphoria and pride. Yes, we have bi-polar and some irritating o.c.d. mixed into our 'crazy' salad of the mind. But we conquered depression in the gym.

I wrote the e-book for other forty and over gym men. But it can also help anyone interested in discovering new ways to improve strength, self-esteem and confidence in order to combat a psychological disorder. I mean YOU. Women. Men. Young adults or the elderly. Everyone can benefit from my tongue and cheek e-book on our journey to press 400 lbs. Remember, the journey is the most vital NOT the possible attainment of 400lbs or whatever your own gym goals will be.

NEVER EVER QUIT. Always strive for humble achievement.

Here's what you can expect from us in the coming months.

We're launching this website with an original e-book by S.W. Laro. It's a humorous and personal account of how two bi-polar men changed their workout routines in the gym to compensate for their daily 'life problems.'

'Bi-polar, 40 & Fitness' (The quest for the 400 lb chest press) is just a taste of the How-To anecdotal style of Laro's information booklets. Beyond offering quality e-books on a host of fitness topics for men over forty, Sombrero Brothers is also offering customers:

* On line training media

* Access to Forums for one on one training advice and YOUR workout stories

* Cafepress caps, t-shirts, sweats and hoodies, mugs and more with the our Golden Sombrero logo & other graphic sayings

* A photo section showing Don & Chris training heavy and for YOU to send us your own training photos

* Daily updates by Laro on any subject related to the gym

* Access to Laro's personal Sombrero yahoo acct so you can e-mail him with training questions

* Links to other pertinent fitness sites & information and much more...

You can expect to see for sale Fitness e-books on:

* The Best Supplement Strategies

* How To Create Your Own Chest Training Methods

* Why Push Through Pain

We'll also be offering e-books on other non-fitness related topics tailor written for niche markets. If you want to see an e-book on a subject YOU'RE interested in e-mail Mr. Laro and he'll try to fit your needs.