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'Iron Wolf' Laro's advice on Gaspari Nutritional supplements
Personal testimonial by Christopher Laro,
Owner & Pres. of

As I state clearly in my e-books BI-POLAR, 40 & FITNESS and the soon to come sequel STILL CHASING THE GOLDEN SOMBRERO, without a hearty supplement regiment using Gaspari products, as well as, many other otc supps, my power training on the decline bench press would have failed.

Particulary effective for me have been two basic supplements:



Without getting too technical, both these products succeed in creating a more intense mental focus for vicious training and more stamina (w/out fatigue) over the course of a 2 hr workout. For me, I always have the sensation of complete security of mind & body to perform at my best level during heavy chest workouts, i.e. as if my upper torso is a total piece of steel ready to press hard.

Basically what SP250 lacks in extra creatine kick, the SizeOn pdt serves up. These two pdts should be taken as a stack (together) on heavy training days. Like other products on the market today, 'stacking' a supplement regiment is key to reaching your gym goals. Perhaps the best element to SP250 I've found most helpful, is the rolling energy effect througout the workout allowing me to feel stronger, as the routine progresses with very little fatigue. Meaning, SP250 blocks lactic acid and insulin that usually prevents you from pressing harder more intensely during any workout.

I stongly suggest that anyone who wants to train hard and vicious, regularly without tiring, research and buy Gaspari products. Then, e-mail me at my sombrero-brothers website and tell me how it worked for you.

So, go to my site and buy the e-book Bi-Polar, 40 & Fitness and head to your nearest sports nutriton store to purchase Gaspari supplement products. PLEASE SEE THE GASPARI BANNER LINK ON OUR SITE HOMEPAGE.

****How did Gaspari pdts help increase my strength for decline bench press?

I started five months ago on a path to increase my weight on the decline press. My max weight this Spring and early summer was 315-320 for a clean full rep. I weight ONLY 177-180 lbs depending on the week. Now, September '06, my max decline weight is 380lbs for a good half rep on sore days and a full arched rep on days when my shoulders are feeling truly alive and powerful. Bottom-line fellas is this: the metal edge and fatigue killing ingredients in SUPERPUMP250 combined w/ a healthy supplememt regiment, training schedule and diet, has allowed me to press up decline weight unmatched by other power lifters in my Vt area including, being able to lift off the rack (un-aided by my partner/spotter) a hefty 355 and a half total lbs for a full rep! Plus, re-racked myself without help. Now that's results.

Visit my e-book site to view short vid clips of me lifting off 355 and a half decline lbs as well as Don, benching 380lbs for a clean full rep.

(This brief testimonial is solely based on my own training regiment and desire under the heavy bar to press such weight. Your results may vary. The above statements are all true and were the result of many months of serious chest training day to day, employing my regime of small incremental weight increases each time I trained chest.)

Keep Training Vicious and always seek out Gaspari Nutritional bodybuilding products. All my best,


Chris 'Iron Wolf' Laro or