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Observation Squadron Sixty Seven
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Reunion in San Diego in 2009

1st Day of the reunion, Great crowd there already, i live 10 mins away and spent most of the evening there meeting old hands and New ones , had a great first day, will be going back tomorrow. Bob Reynolds ET al great Job. thanks

Re: Reunion in San Diego in 2009

2nd day of reunion, beautiful here in SANDY EGGO , People in the pool, Snacks are out, Drinks are Cold.. Lot more Folks checking in today, Weather in NKP 87 DEGREES and Thunderstorms. Glad i'm not there,

Re: Reunion in San Diego in 2009

ANOTHER GREAT REUNION, the Dinner is going on now, with every one looking great esp the ladies i thought i was at a Beauty Pagent.
I spoke a Few words about YOUR Crewmen Coming Forward for the Enlisted Combat Aircrew ROLL OF HONOR. HOPE MORE CAN SHOW UP FOR THE NEXT ONE IN TWO YEARS,