This is the one and only NAGNFC Forum to let your fellow Numanoids know how you feel! Throw away your inhibitions and let us all know what's on your mind!
"Hi Jim .I see you were taking some flack on the joy circuit site last night(thread deleted) I don't understand why some people attack others,I think it's born out of jealousy because you have a great relationship with Mr Numan and have done everything over many years to help promote Gary and his work. I'm sure as you know that work is seen as valuable by almost everyone throughout the Numan community be it "Brit" or anyone else..keep up the great work!
take care JD"
RN said: "Dont follow groups on FB so dont know what was going on, but I'm jealous of the time and effort Jim has for GN but thats the style of life I have chosen (big family, slave driven work) but am grateful that with the internet Jim is able to share his experiences so freely (not showy). So as John says keep up the great work ( and update NAGNFC every week!)"
JB said: "Keep up the brilliant work Jim the website and all the amazing photos...x"
SH said: "Jim I had only met you this past tour in line at Chicago, I enjoy your ability to capture the moments I have had so few of. Is great"
LDV said: "Ignore the negative Jim, most of us really appreciate your work. I think you get these comments out of envy & jealousy. I can't do what you're doing, with wife, kids, mortgage, killing job and so on, and I am "positively jealous" so I think you deserve it all and we are lucky you are willing to share all this. Forever grateful!
JL said: "Best site ever for me been a fan since 1978 so keep it up"
I replied: "Thank you Luc (and all)! Numanoids aren't really a mainstream large group like Beiber fans. We need to stick together and help each other in the spirit of kindred mutual fandom for Our Friend Electric!"
And to all the friends who didn't bother to hear my side of things first before trashing me in public, I said: "May the light of your attractive countenance see you through the future with love, kindred spirit and wishes of luck in all you endeavor. It was a pleasure to call you friend."
When I received the anonymous letter about Caz, I was going to include a disclaimer to take it with a grain of salt, since I hadn't confirmed any of the details in the letter. However, during a cursory search of various forums, others are saying the same thing about her:
"Dear Jim
I would like to keep my details anonymous, but please do as you wish with the following info Honey. Do you remember that Numanoid who died called Lee. Well Caz stole some of the Records left for someone else in Lee's Will. She's not disabled as she claims. A lot of people have called her a Benefits Fraudster. If you dig deep you may find a lot on her as Photos of her running about only recent. Her friend Wendy F Blocked me because she's a nasty piece of work, she has said things about you. Please find attached a word doc with Caz's screen prints insulting you.
"Caz (Caroline F) is a very Jealous Woman and very dishonest. She spends her life putting people down. She's had run in's with many known London Fans. Some she hides from and runs off from at pre-meets before Gigs because the lies she has said.
She owed the Numanoid named in Lees will quite a few box's of Lee's Records but only gave have him a fraction of the Records. How anyone can do such a thing is disgusting. It's not well known info but these records we're meant for a young Numan Fan not sure of his name but a lot of people have been saying this. And people I have known for years who I trust. She probably hates the fact you are such a loyal fan and have met Gary so many times. But considering she has never worked in her life and expects everyone else to buy her tickets for shows their is no excuse for her ****** and vile behavior."
In the interest of both sides being told, I have included some of the screenshots I've been given from what she and others have said about me in public without hearing my side of the story. Feel free to download them here. You'll g
In the interest of both sides being told, I have included some of the screenshots I've been given from what she and others have said about me in public without hearing my side of the story. Feel free to download them here. You'll get an idea of what we're dealing with when you note she even threatens her own friends with a vengeance should these screenshots become public. Others were so frightened of her, that I could only receive these documents anonymously.
Thank you to the Numanoids of the World for returning the favor and keeping me informed as well.
And in true style of the ISIS insurgents in Iraq, threats of death are used to gain one's own ends against another American journalist. I just didn't expect such violence to emanate from the UK as well.
All the best and Numanishly,
Jim "The Machman" Napier
North American Gary Numan Fan Club
P.S. And still it continues. Chris L claims to be a friend of Michael L-T and told me to back off. When I asked what I did to his friend aside from directing him to a site to be better informed, Chris actually accused me of copy-and-pasting the conversation with Michael L-T and I on various occasions. I told him that was incorrect. That I actually deleted the original thread after Caz told me how ill he was. And added if I wanted the thread to be seen, I would put it on my site for 500 readers a day to enjoy. When asked, Chris couldn't even produce a copy of the conversation, despite my request for a copy since he claims I've copy-and-pasted it on various occasions. No one has it. I deleted it. But instead of apologizing for doing the opposite of what he accused me of (by deleting the original thread so no one sees it), he has fallen silent. Even when I asked Chris how I was rude to his friend in the first place. He couldn't tell me that either. This is a prime example of what I am dealing with. Feel free to block Chris. Either he is a troublemaker or has bad info. Either way, he has fallen silent when pressed to back up his accusations. Block away! Adding the Part 4 of this episode to my NAGNFC Forum post now so my readers know what I am dealing with.